As we begin the mad dash to the end of school, there are many extremely important tasks to be completed, among them scheduling for next year. I know that in Special Services we are fairly hands on with scheduling of students on our caseload, but I am wondering if that generalizes to the rest of the faculty. So here is my litany of questions: Do you feel you have adequate information to recommend courses/levels for students? Have students come to you for class/level recommendations? Were there students in your class at the beginning of the year who were obviously misplaced above or below their ability level? What has happened to those students? Have you heard from parents regarding scheduling? Have you been "over-ridden" for scheduling by a parent at another school? Was the outcome positive or negative for the student?
I guess I am trying to figure out who really has influence on student scheduling. Is it the students, teachers, parents, or counselors? I am interested in finding out how you all perceive the scheduling for next year at Arapahoe.